Why to adopt Automation in Namkeen Bhujia making?
- Automatic line helps in maintaining consist quality.
- Takes less space as compared to traditional Bhujia making process.
- Safer to use instead of making Bhujia by hands or semi automatic lines.
- Reduces labor costs.
- Gives you chance to increase your output and reduce wastage.
- Cost effective solution for large scale manufacturing.
- Cheaper than other European vendors.
- Local Service provided by HMPL India (Hargopal Machines P Ltd.).
- Capacity ranging from 250Kg/Hr to 1Ton/Hr.
- HMPL provides One Stop shop for all your savory snacks automation lines.
- Output : 150 kg/hr
- Power : 2.5 kW
- Oil Consumption : 6-15 kg/hr
- Dimesnions : 3.5X0.6X1.9m